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Any ministry is only as strong as its leaders. At Here’s Hope Ministries, we believe that leadership is much more than simply telling others what to do, but instead it is most effectively when leading by example and serving out of a motivation of love for the Lord, God, and His kingdom. To ensure that Here’s Hope never becomes simply the product of one person, we have invited board members who bring together a broad variety of business and ministry experience.
The Board of Here’s Hope ministries meets regularly to pray, plan and strategize the ministry in Belize and elsewhere, in order to make sure that our ideas and activities are constantly aligned with the heart and purpose of Christ.
If you have any questions about the leadership of Here’s Hope, we invite you to visit our VISION page or send us a message via our CONTACT form for more information.
In the near future we will be posting pictures and short biographical sketches of our board members so that you can get a brief encounter with the people who help make Here’s Hope Ministries an effective partner in the gospel of Jesus Christ.