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And nothing would please us more than having you consider being a part of one of our trips. Before you begin planning a trip, we always encourage our partners to consider why they are interested in traveling and serving overseas on a short-term missions experience. Here are a few of the benefits of short-term service opportunities:
Ministry loves company!
•Experience a greater sense of the global nature of the Body of Christ by meeting and serving side-by-side with believers from another culture
•Participate in a new type of ministry experience
•Demonstrate Christ’s love to someone who might not otherwise see or hear the gospel
•Present a visible holistic ministry that meets spiritual, physical and social needs
•Help discover your own spiritual giftedness and calling into a personal ministry
For more information on traveling with Here’s Hope Ministries in Belize, we encourage you to use the links in the menu to the left to navigate the various topics relating to serving overseas in a short-term capacity.
To view upcoming trips on which you may wish to participate, CLICK HERE.